Research and Insights

Exchange Solutions is proud to contribute our learning and thought leadership to the retail marketplace, free of charge. Learn through our client’s success stories below.
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Find whitepapers, client case studies and our thoughts on the retail loyalty landscape here

Transform Your Loyalty Strategy

Transforming Your Loyalty Strategy: 5 Methods for Boosting Client Loyalty and Engagement

Navigating the Loyalty Landscape: Top 12 Focus Areas for Marketers in 2024

Navigating the Loyalty Landscape: Top 12 Focus Areas for Marketers in 2024

The Future of Loyalty: Top 10 Predictions Reshaping the Market

The Future of Loyalty: Top 10 Predictions Reshaping the Market

Modular Loyalty ebook

Revolutionizing Customer Loyalty: The Emergence of Modular Loyalty Technology

A Practical Look at Executing Modular Loyalty

A Practical Look at Executing Modular Loyalty

Using Modular Loyalty as a Plug & Play, Low-Risk Enhancement to Your Program

Using Modular Loyalty as a Plug & Play, Low-Risk Enhancement to Your Program

What Your CTO Needs to Know About Modular Loyalty Technology

What Your CTO Needs to Know About Modular Loyalty Technology

Customer Journey Report

Future Customer Journeys:
How Customers Themselves are Driving the Next Big Changes in eCommerce

5 Loyalty Myths

Are These 5 Loyalty Myths Holding You Back?


Get Complimentary Access to the Forrester Loyalty Technology Solutions Landscape, Q4 2022 Report

5 Core Elements That Build A Successful Partnership

5 Core Elements That Build A Successful Partnership

CRMC 2022 – Rexall Case Study Presentation

CRMC 2022 – Rexall Case Study Presentation

A View From The Top With Bob Jewell

A View From The Top With Robert Jewell

New Reality for Martech and Loyalty: An Interview With Scott MacDonald

New Reality for Martech and Loyalty: An Interview With Scott MacDonald

Take A Deep Dive on Loyalty Data: An Executive Interview With Brenda Higuchi

Take A Deep Dive on Loyalty Data: An Executive Interview With Brenda Higuchi

A View From The Top With Bob Jewell

CRMC 2021 – Harry Rosen Case Study Presentation

The Wise Marketer Provider Profile – Exchange Solutions

The Wise Marketer Provider Profile – Exchange Solutions

How To Redefine Customer Loyalty For Your Organization

How To Redefine Customer Loyalty For Your Organization

How To Select The Right Marketing Technology Partner For Your Business

How To Select The Right Marketing Technology Partner For Your Business

Are You Ready to Reach Peak eCommerce Sales Performance?

Are You Ready to Reach Peak eCommerce Sales Performance?

Survive and Thrive

SPECIAL REPORT: Survive & Thrive – Your Pathway to Redefined Consumer Loyalty

Women in Loyalty - Episode 2

Exchange Solutions’ CEO on Omnichannel Data Integration and its Impact on Customer Loyalty

Women in Loyalty - Episode 2

Webinar: Women in Loyalty – Retail Leadership Panel

Special Report

SPECIAL REPORT: Rise to the New Marketing Challenge Today

CRMC Webinar

Webinar: Learn how Everyday Spend Retail Brands build consistent consumer engagement


A Worksheet: Consumer Loyalty – Building Consistent Engagement in Everyday Retail


Executive Perspective: Fostering a culture of Innovation

Webinar: Learn how Rexall successfully evolved their enterprise loyalty strategy

Executive Perspective: CEO, Mike Hughes on The Future of Loyalty

Delivering profitable e-Commerce KPIs in the first chapter of COVID-19 & beyond

The 5 Best Practices for Transforming Your Loyalty Strategy