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Release History

Version 4.6

Special Audience Treatment

Why this is valuable:
Marketers need the ability to distinguish between anonymous and known audiences for customized promotions and experiences

What this feature does:
It allows marketers to identify special audiences and deliver exclusive promotions and personalized experiences, setting them apart from anonymous users

How you benefit:
This feature’s unique capability to adapt promotional strategies to special audience attributes results in improved marketing effectiveness and heightened customer satisfaction

Simplified Coupon Feed

Why this is valuable:
Marketers are keen on a system that facilitates the swift rollout of coupons and promotions

What this feature does:
It is a simplified standardized coupon data feed designed to streamline the integration of new coupons into the marketing system

How you benefit:
This feature significantly shortens the time to implement new coupons, expediting campaign launches and responsiveness to market trends, thereby enhancing promotional effectiveness

Version 4.5

Refined Growth Marketing Results

Incremental Sales Report:
Assess an offer’s incremental impact by comparing key metrics like sales, margins, orders, average order values, and conversions to a control group.

Customer Status in Business Rules:
With our advanced status tracking of new consumers, prior browsers, and prior buyers, benefit from a deeper layer of consumer categorization. This helps in customizing the types of offers presented to your consumers, ensuring a more personalized offer experience and optimized use of promotional spend.

Special Audience Treatment:
Optimize your consumer’s online journey by distinguishing between Anonymous and Special audiences, ensuring each category is considered when delivering their 1:1 offer experience.

AI-Driven Offer Optimization

Average Order Value Personalization:
Maximize both offer relevance and conversion potential using a more precise Average Order Value prediction.

Machine Learning Models:
Augment your offer optimization strategy by leveraging the power and foresight of our Machine Learning models, ensuring advanced targeting.