What is your average annual growth rate for new members?
0 - 5% Growth
5 - 10% Growth
11 - 15% Growth
More than 15% Growth
What is the percentage of your company's annual sales/orders that can be attributed to transactions from your loyalty program members?
Less than 10% of total company sales is generated by members
10 - 25% of total company sales is generated by members
25 - 50% of total company sales is generated by members
More than 50% of total company sales is generated by members
What is the level of active participation in the loyalty program? Active participation is defined as at least one purchase in the last 12 months.
Less than 20% of members are active
20 - 50% of members are active
50 - 75% of members are active
More than 75% of members are active
What is the average order value of loyalty program members compared to non-members?
Loyalty program members spend less than 5% compared to non-loyalty members
Loyalty program members spend 5-20% more compared to non-loyalty members
Loyalty program members spend over 20% more compared to non-loyalty members
What is the percentage of members who have discontinued their participation in the loyalty program over the last year?
More than 15%
5 - 15%
Less than 5%
Assess how effectively your organization's loyalty strategy aligns with overall business goals
Not aligned
Poorly aligned
Adequately aligned
Completely aligned
To what extent are your organization’s loyalty technologies and tools integrated with key marketing technologies (e.g. CRM, CDP, Marketing Cloud) and interaction channels (e.g. POS, eCommerce, mobile app, social) to enhance member experiences across all touchpoints?
Not integrated
Partially integrated
Mostly integrated
Fully integrated
How would you describe your organization's level of loyalty offer personalization?
None. We use mostly mass offers.
Some. We use broadly segmented offers.
Advanced. True 1:1. Offers are tailored to each individual member.
Does your organization use artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze and enhance member behavior, focusing on identifying relevant loyalty offers, content, rewards and experiences?
Not deployed
Partially deployed
Widely deployed
Evaluate the breadth of rewards and earning options available in your loyalty program (e.g. use of strategic earning & redemption partners, gamification tactics, rewarding behaviors beyond transactions, etc.)
Limited options
Moderate selection of earning and redemption options
Extensive range of diverse and flexible methods
Assess the sophistication of the loyalty management tools in your organization that allow you to operate the loyalty program (e.g. manage members, set-up promotions, reporting, etc)
No self-service tools: program is operated manually or outsourced as a service
Some self-serve tools: We have some complex tools available but they require technical expertise
Self-serve for marketers: Our tools are sophisticated, user-friendly and designed for marketers to operate independentlyOnce you answer all questions, a submit button will appear to take you to the next page.