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Release History

Version 2.5

Offer Pool Console UX Improvements

Why this is valuable:

Loyalty marketers require enhanced capabilities to effectively manage and control campaigns by leveraging the benefits of campaign automation

What this feature does:

These enhancements streamline campaign management processes for loyalty marketers right from creation to execution

How you benefit:

This enables more efficient management of many campaigns at once, maximizing both loyalty program impact to members and resource efficiency

A/B Test Framework Enhancements

Why this is valuable:
To identify the most effective strategies, marketers require the capability to rapidly test and iterate through various promotional ideas

What this feature does:
An automated data science infrastructure enables testing of multiple ideas per campaign using advanced techniques like feature flags, slot-level targeting, or audience-level targeting

How you benefit:
This accelerates the rapid identification and deployment of effective promotional strategies, leading to improved business outcomes

Version 2.4

Member Attribute Enrichments

High Household Penetration:
With a robust scoring system, the High Household Penetration metric is an optimization input used to help increase offer relevancy. At its core, this input identifies popular items, which may have universal appeal.

Engagement Conversion Metric:
Deepen consumer understanding and convert engagement to insights! Leverage the Engagement Conversion metric to actively track consumer interactions and tailor offers that reinforce brand loyalty.

Redemption Offer Template:
Implement automated offer execution to elevate redemption frequency within your loyalty program. This feature motivates members to redeem balances, significantly enhances engagement, and manages outstanding liability.

Frequency Offer Template:
Amplify consumer loyalty using Frequency Offer Templates to create multi-action offers that easily integrate into campaigns, enhancing both purchase rates and engagement frequency.

Effective Campaign Management

Preview Campaign:
Maximize campaign outcomes with the help of the Preview Campaign feature, which allows for adjustments before publishing a campaign to ensure alignment with your goals.

Audience Selector Enhancements:
By integrating advanced attributes, such as partner linking status and extended member data, campaigns achieve precise targeting, ensuring promotions resonate with the most impactful audiences.

Automated Budget Control:
Efficiently oversee vendor-funded budgets and ensure that upcoming promotions are seamlessly adjusted. This approach is reinforced by insightful reporting and automatic resets, ensuring that campaigns consistently adhere to vendor budgets and meet their financial objectives.